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Sport Aviation vs Kitplanes Magazines

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2016
Cartersville, GA, USA (KVPC)
I have been disappointed in the EAA's flagship magazine for a while. I did not get how disappointed until I started getting Kitplanes again.

The difference between Sport Aviation and Kitplanes magazines
  • I flip through SA, look at the pictures, then give it to a co-worker.
  • I read KP cover-to-cover and never let them out of my sphere of influence

Sport Aviation
  • Lately “Sport Aviation” has been more like “Vintage Aviation”.
  • Don’t give a flip about a fat guy in a cub (unless it is me).
  • The “Test Flight” commentary never seems to have much to do with flight testing and is more about “How to fly”
  • See Fat Guy in a Cub…
  • I am over months countdowns to Oshkosh followed by months of Oshkosh recaps.
  • Yay… more warbirds…
  • Yay… another super-rare antique.
  • Yay… another article about certified aircraft.
  • Yay… Multiple pictures of interesting details on E-ABs, with NO descriptions.
To be fair, Lisa Turner’s Airworthy is normally a good read. Plane Impressions is pretty hit-or-miss. It’s good content, but belongs in a different magazine.

  • Barnaby [feaking] Wainfan (for the win).
  • Yearly Kit/plans, engines, and propeller buyers’ guides.
  • Yay… a warbird – that I can build in my garage!
  • Yay… an antique – that I can build in my garage!
  • Yay… a plane (that I can build in my garage!) that performs better than similar certified planes.
  • Pictures of interesting details, with descriptive captions.
  • Flight Test articles about … Flight Testing.
  • A distinct lack of fat guys in cubs.