don january
Well-Known Member
Keeping the work surface level. As you can see in this picture there are two ropes connected to the firewall also one at the tail post. I was going to build a rotisserie platform to turn my fuselage but could not level easily in 4 positions. I found if I hang the fuselage, I could adjust rope height front or back and level the longerons along with firewall and tail post depending on need. The one big plus of this technic was the ability to clean under the fuselage without moving items. I would align a laser level at the top point of firewall and adjust rear rope to get longerons on position then set stand under the body for support if needed. As you can see there is 4 eye bolts in the mounting holes for the rope to go through. This was a good way to invert the body and cut and apply fabric. Of course, this is for rafter equipped work area but is another option for those in tight spots and trying to save funds for build and not extra material only needed once.