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EMF festival/camp (UK) ?anyone else going

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al m

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2021
Rather a long shot, and it isn't a fly-in, nor indeed is it about aeroplanes (although it has ++ rocketry/satellites/radios), but I was wondering if anyone else is attending the Electro-Magnetic Field festival/camp this weekend near Ledbury, England?

I can't help but think the sorts of minds that want to camp in order to attend lectures on reverse engineering railway tickets, workshops on how to program microcontrollers to govern LEDs, or similar antics, are exactly the sorts of minds that would also build their own aircraft.

If you are it'd be great to meet you over a beer - do drop me a direct message or reply here (or find me at the ceilidh tonight; light-blue kilt).

By way of a plug - for I think folks here might enjoy it, and are exactly the sorts of minds that bring something to the party - if you're not going this year, but will be in the UK this time in a couple of years, there's a link to this year's schedule here: https://www.emfcamp.org/schedule/2024

(Tickets are dear but they aim to have free childcare, and they ask everyone attending to chip in with some volunteer shifts keeping the whole thing spinning, so it ends up being a very friendly crowd).

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