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STOL Inspired Composite Ultralight

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Nov 4, 2013
San Francisco
Hiya homebuilt,

long time listener, second time caller here!

The first time I came around here asking about help with the design of a pie-in-the-sky electric canard for a bachelors final project. We were able to laminate a partial canard spar and do a bunch of hotwire cutting after spending a year piddling around doing analysis. some write ups are here. We ended up graduating and I have spent the last number of years as a mechanical engineer.

This time around I will attempt to design and build myself a capable ultralight made of modern materials. I am leaning towards a high wing tractor, similair to the Merlin PSA but designed specifically to be an ultralight, not an LSA-flex. Hoping to build most of my parts from simplified "soft" molds with vacuum infusion, a technique that a few impressive builds on this forum have utilized.

One of the first steps for me in this project was looking at the various engines that are available and/or almost released. I have tabulated those that I could find with an all up mass less than ~100 lbs. Lots are missing and I hope to add to the list in the future but I will go with one of the larger polini as a design basis for now.

All numbers are approximate 😉
Excel sheet attached and a direct google sheets link here

Looking forward to sharing all of the other info I gather along the way. Next up, the first cycle of conceptual design with a lil CAD thrown in!


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