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stol aircraft

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  1. S

    How to find the diminishing ratio of the mouth of the fuselage and the end, for a STOL aircraft?

    How is the diminishing ratio calculated? Is there any optimal formula to it?
  2. S

    What is the easiest to build fuselage shape for a STOL?

    What shaped fuselage is easy to build and sturdy for a STOL. I mostly saw the Zenith CH 801 in the web. I need some websites about other designs and also youtube videos of building fuselage, wings and other parts.
  3. S

    Need help finding out whether a specified dimension wings can generate enough lift

    I am designing a STOL aircraft of Length 12ft Height 5-6ft. Wingspan 15ft Wing Breadth 2.6ft Wing Area 39sqft Aspect Ratio 5.77 The wing design will be rectangular. And the aircraft is a scaled down version of the DRACO (modified Wilga 2000). Can the wings generate enough lift to carry about...
  4. R

    STOL Inspired Composite Ultralight

    Hiya homebuilt, long time listener, second time caller here! The first time I came around here asking about help with the design of a pie-in-the-sky electric canard for a bachelors final project. We were able to laminate a partial canard spar and do a bunch of hotwire cutting after spending a...
  5. N

    Christavia wing flaps

    I have purchased a christavia frame and wings . It is the MK 1 I would like to put flaps on it . Has anyone built flaps on a MK1 I know the Mk 4 had them but that is a hole different plane. Also has anyone enlarged the rudder for better control on floats?
  6. michael Hille

    Hi I have recently completed my scratch built Zenith 750 Cruzer with custom 160hp Subaru

    Hi I have just finished my scratch built 750 and having a blast flying it. This is my second scratch built aircraft with custom engine installation. Performance is awesome, Here is a link to the video of short field takeoff from the beach. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU142N8QeW5HsukLxNOeEiQ...