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Carbon fiber skin

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Considering CF sucks you down the rabbit hole. Descending... why not carbon/aramid fiber top coat blend? Then, why not make it structural? Why not integrate a carbon fiber sandwich skin structure to eliminate traditional front a rear spar structures? Why not integrate the fuel in that structure to reduce weight further? Why not integrate existing graphene resources to further reduce the carbon fiber "volume."

I am sure many of you have seen the DarkAero Project kids on YouTube. They are doing amazing things with Carbon Fiber. This is a link to there 100 lb wing for a long distance, high speed home build kit. I wish I was younger and richer.

I think this topic deserves it's own thread. There may be some of us who would like to discuss how this "Hollow Grid" carbon fiber/Sandwich panel wing structure could be used on a homebuilt. Maybe a mod could make that happen???
Do impact & drop tests with your seat, You'll not like it failing suddenly and cut up your butt.

Carbon has issues with human tissues after shards are exposed during failures
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