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What's the S-mod all about?

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John C

I recently saw the S-mod for the sonerai wing mentioned in a thread. Can someone tell me more about this?

Does it affect the folding wings feature? Weight diffence? Did I hear +/- 9 G? I'm not real big on 9 g maneuvers - not my thing, of course ya never know.

The S-mod is a modification to the wing spar required to meet the requirements of an Airworthiness Directive for the Sonerai II, the details of the mod I believe are covered in the plans and in the thread that you have read, without performing this mod the aircraft (not possitive on this but was covered in the previous thread) is limited to +/- 4G at 750lb, with the mod completed it is rated to +/- 6G at 750lb. The +/- 9G that you have read is an ultimate load hence this should never be contemplated as a working load.

Probably didn't add much there, the mod is essentially some aluminium angle riveted to the spar therefore is light and in real terms the actual increase in weight is negligable. I does not affect the wing folding feature.