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Unreasonble Wife!

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I just bought an enclosed trailer for the airplane. It's finally raining and cold in CA and the girlfriend's car was outside while the plane was in the garage and the wings in on the pool table lol.

Pretty sure you know you've got a keeper if she lets you keep wings in the living room for a year!!

Kawi is still parked by the pool table though :)

Tony K
I agree that one needs a plane to fly, that's why I have the Sonerai 2L. However my project plane sitting in my 2 car heated garage is a Murphy Rebel. No need to ask, I don't have a wife or a girlfriend, however life's not that bad, I have one plane to fly and another to finish. You never know, one of these day's I might meet a gal who likes airplanes!

Eventually that sort of purchase/project was involved in the divorce. Many wives think that flying and planes are cool My kid says any plane is way more cool than any Ferrari.

I'd re-think your attitude, while you can. You future may be support payments rather than flying. A divorce is more painful than you can imagine. Think again!

Having said that I'm the guy who has a SII flying and a half built Pitts S-1.
tonykasabasich said:
I just bought an enclosed trailer for the airplane. It's finally raining and cold in CA and the girlfriend's car was outside while the plane was in the garage and the wings in on the pool table lol.

Pretty sure you know you've got a keeper if she lets you keep wings in the living room for a year!!

Kawi is still parked by the pool table though :)

Tony K

So, your airplane and your pool table are tied up? Dude who's idea was this?
Trust me, buddy. Do all you can do with airplanes, if/when you get bored, then get married, unless you are fortunate enough to find the one that likes it as much as you, otherwise you are likely to pay......

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