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Seeking more info on the Lishak LW-02

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Mar 17, 2015
Lischak, sorry...This is the plane that holds the distance records of C-1a/0 (under 300kg takeoff weight)
The info I have found on it so far is only size and weight specific but I would really like to know more about how it was built. Was it a purely wood design or were there ore composites used beyond wingtips and cowl?

What I do know:
5.4m span (17'-9")
4.4m length (14'-6")
empty weight 165kg (363 lbs.)
max weight 300kg (661 lbs.)
Engine: Steyr-puch 650 bored out to 750cc, 36PS (35.5hp). This was a v-twin air cooled car engine direct drive to prop at around 3500-4000 rpm.
it flew 1688 miles of outright distance using 19.3 gallons of fuel at 111mph, getting about 87mpg. Of course that's also burning 1.27gph from that little engine.

What seriously intrigues me most is the materials used, but also how in the heck he stayed in that little thing for 15 hours on that long flight!!
In this category the design is all about what weight is left for the engine and what engine you can get for that weight. The design looks sort of like what someone would modify a KR-1 into but it might still be too heavy in the end depending on what this guy used to built the plane.

So, does anyone have a connection to this plane in any way or have seen more than what i can find on the internets? My google-fu is good, but there are limits I suppose.
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