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Reality and the "Inexpensive" airplane.

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Mojave, Ca
Moderator Note: This thread was forked off of the "Record Setting" thread. It was taking off and becoming a good discussion in its own right, so I'm erring on the side of caution and forking it off separately here.


The final frontier of GA flight is affordability.
This is a common theme, so not picking on you but…. Why?

Personal finances aside, “Why” do we expect that a flying machine should cost less than a car, boat, sand toy, etc. after all, we know what a boat costs and what capability it provides. It will take you up river a few miles or across the lake and burn 80 gallons of gas to do it. We know what a sand toy costs and how far it can take you. Same with cars.

Almost ANY airplane will take you from coast to coast, mixing it up with airliners and military jets along the way. Why in the world do we think that this should be “cheap”? I would argue that a $50k airplane is a FAR better value proposition than a $50k boat based on capability alone.
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