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Off the shelf DIY dual plug CDI ignition with crank trigger

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2020

I'm building a VW motor and want to install dual plug ignition. It seems like the simplest way is with dual output coils driven by a black box. The question is which black box.

I have a Lightspeed engineering system on my O-540 with magnet crank triggers. You can either have one CDI and a magneto or go dual elecrtronic. For the dual system, it uses two CDI units for redundancy. For redundancy, the LSE system does not fire top and bottom plugs with the same dual coil. It uses wasted spark to allow the use of only three dual output coils per plug bank by firing all top plugs twice, then all bottom plugs on the other set of coils.

I want to use the dual output coils to fire top and bottom plugs together with one CDI unit.

Any suggestions for an off the shelf CDI system and generic crank trigger module? I'd like to avoid the stock distributor but how to trigger the coils and control spark advance with off the shelf units is a question I need answered.

Would it be possible to get an aftermarket programmable unit and just fire the top and bottom plugs off of a set of dual output coils?

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