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Newbie just saying hi

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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2008
North Pole, Alaska
Just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. My name is James and I am an Army pilot currently deployed in Afghanistan. My wife, who is also a pilot deployed to a different part of Afghanistan, and I want to buy a plane when we get home. We have pretty well decided on a Kitfox and are currently searching for partially completed kits. We decided on the KF based on it's fantastic compromise of Xcountry ability and bush flying ability that is quite affordable. It was actually her idea to buy one that still needs to be assembled in order for her to learn more about planes since all of her experience is in helicopters.

As far as aviation experience goes, I started in gliders at age 23. I hung out at the gliderport so much that I ended up with a part time job there. I flew there for almost 6 years and started working on my fixed wing license with one of the CFIs I worked with and I am a long cross country and some refresher training away from that rating. Just after my 28th birthday I dropped out of UCF where I was studying Aerospace engineering, quit my jobs and joined the Army to fly helicopters. It all happened quickly once I found out what a Warrant Officer was and that they didn't need a college degree to fly. Now I fly the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior scout helicopter.

That is my aviation existence rolled into two paragraphs. If you want to know any more about me just send a message. There is a lot of down time during deployments so I love to talk on the computer.

CW2 James Trizzino
C/2-17 CAV