I am looking for some advice for choosing the landing gear configuration for my project. Conventional gear or tricycle? I know it's a never ending discussion and I have of course read a fair bit about it. I am looking for some concrete advice for my case based on the experience in this forum. My problem is that I want to stress-test my choice of building the tailwheel version. Seeing if someone would rather talk me out of it and what kind of experiences people have. I am stuck thinking about for a couple of weeks now and don't seem to be able to come to a conclusion on my own.
I would _love_ to build the tailwheel version. But when talking with friends and familiy, the only real arguments I can put forth in favor of the Tailwheel is that is is a) better looking, b) much more fun and c) a challenge that I happily take and actually looking forward to. Hence, the rational part of my brain tells me that a tricycle is the more reasonable and safe choice. There is no place I would go where you would need a conventional gear.
1. My Background
I don't have a PPL license yet, but I am an avid glider pilot. I regard myself as a quite ok stick & rudder pilot and we naturally live with the mono wheels in the gliding world. The rule that the flight has only ended when the aircraft is at rest applies for us as well and we use the rudder a lot as well. I fly a self-launch glider and crosswind takeoffs are imho very manageable using the rudder and adverse yaw. Of course, I assume that the wingspan of 17m and the massive rotational inertia makes a glider much more forgiving and slow (although it also makes veering a lot harder to stop, once you allow it to begin).
2. The build: Gaz'aile 2.
I am building a Gaz'aile 2. The designer has a strong opinion and recommends sticking with the tricycle version. There are tailwheel versions but there is no official support for it. However, there is material available. What I am wondering technically is how difficult it is to design and importantly align the landing gear so that you end up with a controllable aircraft.
3. What could get me out of it?
My main mission for this build is fast, efficient cross country flying across Europe. What I can't judge and have a hard time figuring out is how much of a problem, i.e. real limitiation, cross winds are. How many days do pilots with tailwheels curse themselfes for not having a tricycle? Of course a tailwheel aircraft has its perks but I am happy to live with those as long as you can come by those with practice and skill. What is your experience, would you say that with a tailwheel you have a lot more days where you opt to not fly, but would with the same aircraft with a tricycle? I am more than happy to take on a challenge and improve my piloting skills.
Best Regards, and happy new year!
// Johannes
I am looking for some advice for choosing the landing gear configuration for my project. Conventional gear or tricycle? I know it's a never ending discussion and I have of course read a fair bit about it. I am looking for some concrete advice for my case based on the experience in this forum. My problem is that I want to stress-test my choice of building the tailwheel version. Seeing if someone would rather talk me out of it and what kind of experiences people have. I am stuck thinking about for a couple of weeks now and don't seem to be able to come to a conclusion on my own.
I would _love_ to build the tailwheel version. But when talking with friends and familiy, the only real arguments I can put forth in favor of the Tailwheel is that is is a) better looking, b) much more fun and c) a challenge that I happily take and actually looking forward to. Hence, the rational part of my brain tells me that a tricycle is the more reasonable and safe choice. There is no place I would go where you would need a conventional gear.
1. My Background
I don't have a PPL license yet, but I am an avid glider pilot. I regard myself as a quite ok stick & rudder pilot and we naturally live with the mono wheels in the gliding world. The rule that the flight has only ended when the aircraft is at rest applies for us as well and we use the rudder a lot as well. I fly a self-launch glider and crosswind takeoffs are imho very manageable using the rudder and adverse yaw. Of course, I assume that the wingspan of 17m and the massive rotational inertia makes a glider much more forgiving and slow (although it also makes veering a lot harder to stop, once you allow it to begin).
2. The build: Gaz'aile 2.
I am building a Gaz'aile 2. The designer has a strong opinion and recommends sticking with the tricycle version. There are tailwheel versions but there is no official support for it. However, there is material available. What I am wondering technically is how difficult it is to design and importantly align the landing gear so that you end up with a controllable aircraft.
3. What could get me out of it?
My main mission for this build is fast, efficient cross country flying across Europe. What I can't judge and have a hard time figuring out is how much of a problem, i.e. real limitiation, cross winds are. How many days do pilots with tailwheels curse themselfes for not having a tricycle? Of course a tailwheel aircraft has its perks but I am happy to live with those as long as you can come by those with practice and skill. What is your experience, would you say that with a tailwheel you have a lot more days where you opt to not fly, but would with the same aircraft with a tricycle? I am more than happy to take on a challenge and improve my piloting skills.
Best Regards, and happy new year!
// Johannes