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Leaky float

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Jan 26, 2023
Ontario 🇨🇦
Hey everyone,

I’ve got a small but persistent leak in the step area of a riveted float on my floatplane. The suspected leak is in a double-layered section, and while I have plenty of access to clean and prep the inner surfaces, as it is in the float locked compartment, however fully disassembling and re-riveting the area would be a major undertaking I’d like to avoid if possible.

I’m looking for input on the best way to seal it up without a full teardown. Ideally, something that can flex with the aluminum and provide a long-term seal. I’ve considered using PRC-type sealant (like Pro-Seal), but I’d love to hear from anyone who’s tackled a similar issue—what worked, what didn’t, and any tips for surface prep or application.

Any advice or recommendations would be much appreciated!


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