Digging through my storage container today trying to figure out what stays and what goes as I prepare for our move, I found a long forgotten box of model stuff. Mostly rubber kits, but many were unbuilt, and some unopened and still wrapped in plastic.
COOL! I thought to myself. Wonder what an unopened Comet Taylorcraft kit is worth?
Not much, according to that certain online auction site. Like $15 bucks.
Well, I guess maybe I’ll think about converting a “Sparky” to micro electric and RC…. And then never actually do it.
Thought some of you might get a kick out of it.
COOL! I thought to myself. Wonder what an unopened Comet Taylorcraft kit is worth?
Not much, according to that certain online auction site. Like $15 bucks.
Well, I guess maybe I’ll think about converting a “Sparky” to micro electric and RC…. And then never actually do it.
Thought some of you might get a kick out of it.