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Drag increase for a scaled-up aircraft

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Active Member
Supporting Member
Aug 6, 2023
Adelaide, Australia
This is a question for the aerodynamicists among us.

If a single seat aircraft was accurately scaled up in size to potentially result in a 2 seat aircraft, and let’s use an example where the dimensions of the single seater are scaled up by 30% and the mtow is also increased by 30%, for a given speed, what is the drag increase for the larger aircraft as a factor of that for the smaller aircraft, assuming that the mass of the larger aircraft at that speed is 30% more than for the smaller aircraft?

My reason for asking is that I need to determine the power requirements for a larger aircraft by extrapolating the power requirements for the smaller aircraft and I’d like to know whether I can simply say that the power requirements for the same speed at the 30% increased weight of the larger aircraft is 1.3x/1.69x/another factor.
