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CriCri MC-15 in NZ

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2009
Canterbury, New Zealand, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy.
Hi all,

I am currently building a CriCri and it has been suggested that I make a build thread. The project started in November last year when I purchased some CriCri plans but I have only been building it for the last few months.

I first saw Nev Hay's CriCri (ZK-LBW) at Classic fighters at Omaka airfield in 2005. I thought it would be a cool aircraft to own and build but was put off by the 2000 hour build time (I didn't even consider the cost at that point in time). I would not have been able to afford it anyway.

I purchased a CNC router early last year and realized that it would be good to build myself a homebuilt aircraft. It would also shorten the build time substantially. I choose the CriCri due to it being all aluminium and would utilize the CNC a large amount, The low storage size and relativily low cost were also factors. I have spent upwards of 300 hours converting all the plans into CAD format so I can CNC all the parts and pre drill all the rivet holes etc.

There are currently two CriCri's flying in New Zealand, ZK-LBW and Wayne's ZK-CRI. Wayne also has an excellent website on his build and flying.
Cricri aerobatic aircraft builders Page : Home

Edit again to include youtube link:

Plans are available from Mr Colomban, his address is:
Michel Colomban
37 Bis Rue La Kanol
92500 Rueil Malmaison
Fax: 0033 147 51 8876

I have put this info here because someone invariably asks how to get plans, Mr Columban does not use the internet and mail or fax is the best way to get in touch.

*edit* those in North America are outta luck when trying to buy plans, a certain US manufacturer copied the CriCri and made some design changes with fatal results. Mr Colomban now refuses to sell plans there due to the resulting undeserved lawsuit directed his way. The irony is that the certain manufacturer was up in arms when someone else copied one of his designs. Those in North America wanting to build would do well to check out CriCriDrawings Yahoo group (link below)*

There is also a wealth of info on the yahoo groups 'cricri' and 'cricridrawings'
CriCri : CriCri
cricridrawings : !Cricri-Electronic Drawings (ACAD&SW)-01

Next post some build pictures.

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