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Best Beginner Ultralight?

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user 42205

Sep 3, 2015
Hey all, So I am looking to Build an Ultralight, however i dont have 15k i can just spend on a kit. (unless you know of one that comes with everything needed to fly for 5k or less ;) So here are my "Requirements"

1. Preferably look like an actual airplane.. No powered parachute. what can i say im a traditionalist.
2. Im 270lbs. Im a fatty. But I actually plan to lose weight and get into shape for the sole purpose of flying an ultralight. havnt had a good enough reason to motivate myself until now. but for arguments sake lets assume i stay this fat.
3. I live in Iowa, so temps range from 0 degrees F in the winter and 90 degrees F in the summer. If theres such a thing as a closed cockpit heated Ultralight ill fly in the winter otherwise i plan to stick to 65-80 degree f days with minimal wind.
4. FAR 103 Compliant. 254lbs 55 knot max speed all that fun stuff.
5. and lastly for information of where ill be flying heres a link to the airports map. Its technically class C airspace but Ultralights can fly w/o transponders with ATC approval (which i already have permission for so long as i provide 2 hours notice and provide them a rough flight plan) http://cbairport.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/CBF-airport-diagram.png
6. As cheap as possible. I have a buddy whos an airplane mechanic so Ill Use whatever Leftovers i can get from him, and i have no problem digging through a JunkYard to find an old VW engine too saw in half and do a conversion on. But I don't have a lot of extra money and my wife wont let me touch the tax return haha.

I would have prefered to buy a Used Ultralight thats Ready to fly and in decent enough condition but unfortunatley you cant buy used planes like used cars and make monthly payments haha. Thanks in advance for the help! I have the Afford a plane plans but learned that it comes out roughly 100+ lbs over FAR 103 requirements.