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  1. S

    ZENITH CH 701 (Now flying with twice reduced Price..$26, $24, now $22,950)

    ZENITH CH 701 • $22,950 • FOR SALE • Mfg. Completed 2015, AWC received from FAA 5/28/15, First Flight 7/26/15, 0.5 hrs. TTAF, Rotax 582, 2.5 hrs. SMOH, B-Box, IVO prop, elec. start/trim, X-ponder - specifications, history of construction and pics on request • Contact Cliff B. Stripling...
  2. skwier

    ultralight design for high altitude runway (airfoil, aspect ratio, loading, dihedral)

    Beginning a design of an ultralight (US 103) to fly from a base near 5400 feet (1640 m). Yesterday we had gusts to 39 mph (63 kph) with airs temps to 85 F (30 C) in clear air and no clouds within 10 miles. Take off in those gusts would be foolish, but they came up very suddenly out of a blue...
  3. B

    How much does a freakin' prop weigh?????????

    How much does a 36in diameter wood prop weigh for a 103 ultralight???? For the love all that is holly I cannot find the answer on google and it is really really burning my cookies. Obviously, i know "it depends" and "it varies" but come on. What do your props weigh? Is 4lbs +/- 1lbs a fair...
  4. M

    The Netherlands

    Hello Falcons ... I have a question ... Long story short .... What are the regulations of home building an Ultralight/microlight in the Netherlands? .. And What are the regulations of actually flying an Ultralight/microlight in the Netherlands? I recall we had a Dutch member here .. anyone...
  5. M

    1984 Phantom X1-Moving and can't take it with me

    Aircraft currently has the wings and stabilizers off as I am in the process of replacing hardware and cables. Fabric past strength test in January. All hardware purchased is AN type and per the assembly manual with purchase and repair log. Also have a brand new (factory rebuilt) zero time...
  6. M

    Legal Part 103 single-seat trike as flying boat (like Polaris or Sea Trike)?

    I am searching for an inexpensive low-n-slow Part 103 one-seater Trike with floats--no x-country, usage in favorable wind conditions only. Looking at the non-103 two-seater "flying boats" from Polaris and Sea Trike from the '80s and '90s gave me a crazy idea... why not use an inflatable boat...
  7. G

    Sea Plane/Glider/Thing Project Help

    Hey Everyone, My friends and I are making a glider that looks a lot like a FIB, we are new to building aircrafts, and would like advice on were to get parts on a budget, and lift to weight ratios. Thank’s for any help!
  8. B

    Anybody done aileron rolls or other "acrobatics" in 103 ultralights?

    To all the zombie pilots: in you former life did you try aileron rolls, "loopy loops" or a "flying ha ha" in a 103 ultralight?
  9. B

    Can FAR103 Ultralights have retractable landing gear?

    I know LSAs have to have fixed. What about 103ULs?
  10. D

    Ideas for an amphibious electric self-launch hang glider/ultralight

    Here are my initial ideas for an amphibious electric self-launch hang glider/ultralight: Use an ultralight trike wing or hang glider wing with strut bracing, and mount an electric motor and folding pusher prop to each strut. The concept would be similar to this: Wasp Wing twin engine...
  11. B

    VAMPIRE UL, 2-strokies, 300mi RANGE! Wowzers!!!

    Vampire 103 UL has a 300 mi range with a 20hp two stroke engine, cantilever wings, and its the coolest looking UL i have ever seen. Empty 250 and gross 550. Sadler Vampire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  12. B

    Sleeping in an UL during a thunderstorm. Bad idea? OK?

    I've read a few places where people, when either at an airport or in the "woods", sleep next to or IN their UL or LSA. This sounds okay, but what if it is raining or the is thunder and LIGHTENING? If your in something like a Quicksilver then i think you would be likely to get zapped. ULs and...
  13. B

    How much does a fuselage weigh?

    Working on UL plane design. Semi-cantilever wings. Span 28 ft. Height 3.5ft without landing gear. I cant seem to get the weights to work out even though i see planes line the backyard flyer and the belite that get the job done. Fuselage FRAME weight is giving me grief right now. Am I way off the...
  14. B

    COMPRESSED AIR instead of gas or electric? WHY NOT??

    Compressed air blows, that's why. 34 whr/kg and a whr/L thingy that is so darned low the Devil has to look down at it. BUT, ignoring that completely, can you put an air tank at say 2000psi in your little plane, and use the air pressure to directly turn the prop in such a way as to mimic a 15hp...
  15. B

    Where do you get engines? What kind?...sorta engines 101 for a dude without a clue.

    Very newbie question: where the heck do you get your engine(s)? Any four strokes out there at 30hp and weigh slightly less? And why isn't anyone using Products : Homepage: 3W Modellmotoren - Modellmotoren und Flugzeuge engines? There are two strokes on there that are 18hp and weigh only...
  16. B

    How much do wings weigh??

    I'm looking at a wing that juts out 12.5ft from the side of the plane. Not decided if its cantilever or braced yet. If it is braced, the brace will attach to wing only 3.5 ft from the fuselage leaving a full 9 ft hanging out there. 4.6ft wide. gross weight plane 580lbs. Trying for 6G max load...
  17. B

    How does an American fly in CANADA??????

    There is soooo much wilderness and flying country in Canada it calls to me. I can imagine ultralight flying in Ontario or British Columbia. I read that their definition of an ultralight is a bit different and they require a license. Can I get one as an American? How does someone in Michigan go...
  18. B

    What percent of ultralights are overweight?

    So....just wondering... what do you all here think the percentage of supposedly "real" 103 ultralights are actually 20lbs or less overweight. Kinda got this thing i want to build that goes up in the air and stays there until i tell it to stop that. A mere 15 to 20 lbs overage is stopping me...
  19. corvettercr

    very nice robertson b1-rd. fresh complete restore

    hi guys, time to sell my wonderfull b1-rd. Prev. Owner rebuilt and restored the plane. I have somewhere around 35-40 hrs on the plane sense the restore. Engine is a cuyuna ul430rr. Completely rebuilt 35-40 hrs ago. Always starts within 2-5 pulls. New sails and always hangered. Only reason for...
  20. danmoser

    Bright Star SWIFT ultralight sailpane

    S/N 037 located in Sandy, Utah (Salt Lake City area). This glider is in good condition and is a joy to fly. Included are full fairing with new canopy material, motor mount (no motor or prop), 2nd Chantz ballistic reserve chute, and misc. spare parts. It flies very well and comes with a...