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  1. proppastie

    Using Autocad V14 Region data and Solids data for stress analysis

    After reading 10 pages of threads with the key-word “stress” I do not feel I belong in the same room. That being said I am doing a feasibility/design study of converting an existing design to aluminum stressed skin design. I am using the Autocad region data and solid properties data. I am not...
  2. A

    Circular wing Flugtag Entry

    Our team is building a circular wing for the San Francisco Flugtag. We have built several glider models. They don’t have ‘airfoils’. They have the same cross section as the Gremyatsky "Disc". see link for diagram Real Soviet glider-diskoplan ( They all have a circular wing 20” in diameter...
  3. PorcoRosso

    Choosing wood over aluminium worth it?

    I've found wonderful resources on a future project I'd like to start early on, an ultralight glider. As things go, the plans for aircraft of this type are usually aluminium tubing and bolted joints (nothing welded or made of machined metal). Would it first off be possible to replace all...
  4. rickofudall

    Cumulus Motor Glider Kit For Sale

    Health issues force me to sell my unstarted Cumulus kit. Always stored in a heated garage, all hardware still in original blister packs, most in unopened boxes. The only thing I've done is assemble the wheels and tires and the throttle assy. I also primed the steel parts. See it at: Ultralight...
  5. Topaz

    Landing a no-engine Airbus 320

    AOPA posted a very nice article in the flight-safety/flying tips section of their website, prompted by the recent 'deadstick' water landing of that A320 in the Hudson River. What would you have done? Did your training adequately cover this sort of scenario, and are you still practicing for it...