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Yamaha YG4i (Apex) Data Collection

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2014
K2W6, Maryland, USA
Ok fam, we have a baseline vibration spectrum on our converted YG4i - SkyTrax PSRU combination after refurbishment, overhaul, conversion and dyno runs. The conversion was nowhere near as complex as we thought, and the engine ran like a dream on the dyno. The plant is now preserved. When we drop it in our aircraft when we complete it, acquiring as much data as possible on the engine is a big priority of ours when the time comes.

Here are the areas where we will gather data:

PSRU Output / Propeller (Lat-Long-Vert)
PSRU Input / Crankshaft Bearing 5 (Lat-Vert)
Crankshaft Bearing 1 (Lat-Vert)
Exhaust Cam (Lat-Vert)
Intake Cam Mid Length (Lat-Vert)
Oil Pump (Lat)
Cooling Pump (Lat)
Engine Crankcase (Lat-Long-Vert)
Propeller Position
Crank Position
Throttle Position
Intake Air Temperature
Intake Air Pressure
Intake Air Flow Rate
Fuel Pressure
Fuel Temperature
Fuel Flow Rate
Oil Pressure
Oil Temperature
Exhaust Gas Temperature (1-2-3-4)
Coolant Temperature In
Coolant Temperature Out
Heat Exchanger Intake Plenum Pressure
Heat Exchanger Air Flow Rate
Heat Exchanger Intake Temperature
RPM Engine
RPM Propeller
PSRU Pressure
Crankcase Pressure
Engine Chip Detect
PSRU Chip Detect

Total Powertrain Only Channels: 44

Obviously, all air data, structural, etc, will be integrated as well in our total data package

We are still determining engine-specific test regimes as appropriate for the aircraft, and will likely change as we refine the test plan.

My intent is to release all our data, both in the raw and reduced forms.

All this said, if there are any specific regimes or data points you want us to get, let us know, but just an FYI, we are not planning to be complete/ready for flight test until Spring 2022, provided construction goes as we hope it will; we have alot of white space built in.
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