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Want to design an airplane before spring?

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Sep 26, 2015
In the next 2 months I'll be working with a small group of people to walk through the aircraft design process. You'll learn crazy skills like
  • Airfoil Analysis
  • Wing Design
  • Aircraft Stability
  • Optimization
This is our best-selling course, and we only do it once a year.

This time around will be the best yet. I'm bringing on one of the best teachers, Jeff Taylor, to help out. I've worked with Jeff for 7 years and trust him completely. He even knows some of this stuff better than I do.

We'll also have a guest visitor who has been involved in designing crazy aircraft for over 10 years. You won't want to miss it.

The course is uniquely designed for students of all levels. We've taken the most impactful concepts from multiple courses and smashed them into a short course of just 8 weeks.

You'll need to commit to attending a virtual class once a week for 1.5 hours, and spending 1-2 hours outside class watching some videos. That's it.

The course is just $249 for the full 8 weeks. That's a crazy deal compared to other comparable courses out there. Plus, if you participate each week and are not completely happy with what you learned at the end of the course, I'll give you a full refund. So there's no risk to you.

Come join us for the ride of your life and learn a new skill before spring. You won't regret it.

Click here to sign up.

See you in the course!


PS - If you're someone who has a bucket list for 2023, you can use the coupon code NEWYEAR25 to get 25% off. Or if not, at least pass it on to your buddy. He'll love you forever.​