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Apr 5, 2020
Help Needed! Electric ultralight motor mount

This year I purchased an ultralight flexwing trike with a Geiger electric propulsion system. The owner had flown the aircraft a few times but I was skeptical of the motor and controller mount that they had designed and were flying with. It was a mismatch of different hardware, bike bolts, and a lot of JB weld (see below).

20220423_120037.jpgSide View.jpg

I tried to redesign with 30x30mm 6082-T6 and AN hardware (pdf attached), although the design ends up heavier than the original and I fear I have overengineered a solution which is ultimately for a 12lb motor and 3.9lb controller. I have considered a welded frame or even a composite one but I feel it may be a bit beyond my expertise.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


  • Frame Part Numbers.pdf
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