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Turbo Subaru RV8

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jun 26, 2012
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Geoff Braddock flew his EJ257 powered RV8 on Dec. 27th in Australia

Empty weight was 1187lbs. He's using an Autoflight H6 300 gearbox with 1.95 ratio and an IVO 68 inch in-flight adjustable prop.

A few initial numbers: 2500fpm climb at 90 knots with full fuel running 5500 rpm and about 44 inches. Cruise at 4500 MSL, 4500rpm and unspecified MAP was 170 KTAS.

The under wing rads look great and are cooling very well even in +35C conditions. Geoff did a great job on the whole installation- all custom made by him. Bravo!