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The Great FreeCAD Thread

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2014
K2W6, Maryland, USA

I have seen so much discussion on FreeCAD here lately, and being one of the users, having converted from AutoCAD recently and see this as a very capable alternative to 3DExperience and Fusion360, I figured it would be a good idea to start a thread.

Some ground rules I think are appropriate:
1. This should be a software discussion. This thread shall be centered around use of the FreeCAD application and its workbenches....as they relate to aircraft design.
2. Yes, we can discuss known aircraft-related issues with FreeCAD. I say this because the FreeCAD developers host a great forum, but with respect to things specific to aircraft design, it lacks substance. This said, check their forums first with your specific inquiry; the answer may be there.
3. With respect to aircraft-specific things with FreeCAD, this thread will not be a "how do I design this airplane?" free for all.
4. If you are asking a relevant question, let us know what version of software you are using, as well as the version of the workbench you are inquiring about.
5. Obviously, it goes without saying that we're all still learning this software, but this is not a thread for badmouthing it.

@Topaz and other Moderators, if you think this thread should not be in this specific Technical Discussion area, please feel free to relocate it where you think it will be better served.

And go...........