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Sonerai II A-wing Modification Drawings

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 12, 2006
Franksville, WI USA
For those of you who have the older Sonerai II's with the original 9-rib A-wing, and are thinking about adding the original A-wing modification to increase the load carrying capability of the wing, I've attached the drawings for your reference. For you Sonerai I builders, this is commonly called the "S-wing Mod", so don't be confused. To add this modification to an existing set of wings, it is necessary to remove the inboard wing skins to provide the needed access. Enjoy!


  • A-Wing Modification.pdf
    383 KB · Views: 555
De-riveting the bottom inboard skin was the initial recommendation, but with the amount of rivet removal and re-riveting that must be done to the top set of spar cap strips, it makes more sense to me to remove the entire inboard skin to give better access. That’s what I did on my wings.

the material that are used for the angles and stiffeners, is it 2024-T3 or 6061-T6? I do not find reference to these on the plans (or maybe I am missing it)


Induna said:

the material that are used for the angles and stiffeners, is it 2024-T3 or 6061-T6? I do not find reference to these on the plans (or maybe I am missing it)




any ideas?

Can the 9 rib Sonerai 2L wing be modified to gain more gross weight capacity? The aircraft I’m buying does not have the S Mod done.
I just answered my own question by actually reading the first post. But I have another one. Will this mod increase the load capacity to 1150#? Thank you, that’s the spec I couldn’t locate.