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Sonerai 1 plans

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2023
Hi all,

i received my set of plans and it seems to be different from a Sonerai 2 set.
Mine is made of a Flight Manual, a Construction Manual with construction photos, a Wing Construction Manual and a bundle of plans in A3 format (20 pages), but no very large sheets.
Is that normal for a Sonerai 1 set or is something missing ?
Is there known errors in this set or could it be build as it ? If there are errors where can I find them ?


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What you have is a complete set of Sonerai I plans. There are no large format drawings. Also, the construction manual and the wing construction manual are targeted at the Sonerai II and IILTS, so you will need to only use them as a guide while following the drawings. Several years ago, I helped Great Plains Aircraft Supply update all of the plans sets to correct any known errors, so you should be good to go.
Thank you Fred for this quick and precise reply. I began to translate the manuals to french and I haven't still begin to study the drawings and when I saw this picture I feared a part of my plans were lost in the transport


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