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SoaringTees.com - Great Tees and Gifts

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Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 29, 2005
Orange County, California

Tired of the same-old "Cloudbase" tees, tops, and gifts? Are you a Tow Pilot, Winch Operator, or CFI and can't find any of these items made for you?

At SoaringTees.com, we provide new and refreshing designs in quality apparel and gifts intended for the soaring and CFI communities, all with a humorous edge. If you're part of a club, company, or team, we do custom on-demand design work for your group, set up your online store, and help you get your team looking their very best! We're adding new designs all the time, so you're sure to find something that expresses your own slant on your favorite sport.​

Come visit us on the web, and put a little attitude into your altitude!​