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Small, cheap ADS-B solution now?

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Feb 14, 2018
Tellico Plains, TN

I'm flying a Onex, and have zero interest in controlled airspace. I currently have no transponder, and I don't really have space or the desire to install one. What I DO want is ADS-B out, preferably in anonymous mode. I want this just for some perceived added safety of letting other planes see me on the screen the same way I see them.

It's really annoying that we don't have an option like the Uavionix SkyEcho in the US. That's exactly what I want, but I haven't heard anything about the FAA allowing portable units like that. SkyEcho - uAvionix

Uavionix also has something called the Ping2020i that is a tiny all in one unit made mostly for UAS. I'm not sure if it can be used for manned aircraft or not, but it would be really convenient to install. ping2020 - uAvionix

Aside from those two devices, it seems like you pretty much have to have go with the conventional transponder/ADS-B route. There was a good thread back in 2020 about the cheapest solution for ADS-B, but 3 years later, I wonder if there's been any better options. Basically the old thread suggested a Garmin 327, Uavionix echoUAT & SkyFYT EXT plus either an EFIS altitude output or a used encoder. This option would likely be around $2000 unless you found a used Uavionix combo.

Is there a better option now for a cheap, small ADS-B out compliant system? I "might" be able to find room for a small 2.5" size control on the panel, but if I had to stick with an old conventional size transponder, it would literally be installed under the seat and permanently left on 1200. I'd really hate having to deal with the 24 month transponder certs again though.
