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Sandlin Gliders: Builds, mods, flights

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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2014
I have started (or restarted) a Goat 2 build in between my CH750 tail and wing build. I had some posts on another thread in General Aviation Exp Questions but want break that off so as not to hijack.

I’ll be posting more build pictures as I progress and sharing any insights I have along the way. I welcome anyone’s input on what I’m doing, and would love to see what you’re doing in the Sandlin or Sandlin-esque glider world.

My Goat 2 will be modified from the drawings to increase the wing chord 4 inches to compensate for the pilot’s higher weight and for my altitude at launch (4200-5200)

To set the mood of this thread, what other ways can you think of to make a glider like this more modular, make it easier to build, easier to field assemble, size up or down for small pilots, big pilots, multiple pilots (need E-AB for that I know), maybe even different layouts with similar construction (biplane, tandem wing, plank, delta, etc). Fun and technical discussion while we build basically.

