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Revmaster 2100 Crankcase

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Dec 5, 2018
Hi everyone, I would like to know where can I get an old magnesium alloy crankcase for my engine. I encountered a massive crack in my current case so I contacted Joe from Revmaster to get a new one. He told me that the old magnesium case is no longer available since Rima (from Brazil) has cutted its production.

Thanks in advance.
Nearly all of the VW based airplane conversions use the Type 1 (Beetle) Almag case. The stock case will need to have the bores enlarged and the internal areas clearanced to suit the bore and stroke that you have. The suppliers I listed will do that.
Also, don’t tell the automotive vendors it’s for an airplane…they will not sell to you. I’ve been checking for months on clearanced magnesium cases and everyone is out with unknown ETA of next shipments. If anyone finds out that some are available, please post! All I need is a clearanced automotive case (not modified for additional bearing, etc) to accept my reduction.
Hi everyone, I would like to know where can I get an old magnesium alloy crankcase for my engine. I encountered a massive crack in my current case so I contacted Joe from Revmaster to get a new one. He told me that the old magnesium case is no longer available since Rima (from Brazil) has cutted its production.

Thanks in advance.
I had this come up with a guy at the airport. His case cracked up top near the jug bolts and I was able to tig weld it for him. Easy fix if you have someone that can do it.
***UPDATE*** Just wanted the group to know CB Performance now has some new magnesium cases in stock. (Obviously these are unmodified for any extra bearing/aircraft use - all I need to run with my reduction) I called the five or so sources early last week that I've been calling for the better part of two years and only CB got some in. (Don't know how many) Went ahead and got mine paid for so it can go into their machine shop to be clearanced and have the case savers installed. A couple week lead time and it will ship. For you guys calling the few aircraft sources for mag cases and they don't have any stock to work with, maybe give CB a call but DONT say anything remotely related to airplane.
***UPDATE*** Just wanted the group to know CB Performance now has some new magnesium cases in stock. (Obviously these are unmodified for any extra bearing/aircraft use - all I need to run with my reduction) I called the five or so sources early last week that I've been calling for the better part of two years and only CB got some in. (Don't know how many) Went ahead and got mine paid for so it can go into their machine shop to be clearanced and have the case savers installed. A couple week lead time and it will ship. For you guys calling the few aircraft sources for mag cases and they don't have any stock to work with, maybe give CB a call but DONT say anything remotely related to airplane.

I bought a brand new mag case a month or so ago and had it shipped to Scott at Hummel for modification. I bought from Dune Buggy warehouse and they had no issue with me telling them it was for an airplane.

ETA- CB supplies both Great Plains and Sonex with parts, and I doubt seriously they care at all that you are going to use an engine case in an airplane.
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Also, FWIW the Mag cases are behind in production and more expensive because Autolinea did not renew thier license from VW and therefore thier cases can no longer carry the VW logo as is normally cast in. SOME cases are trickling in with the VW logos ground off by hand as it seems getting the new dies into production has taken longer than anticipated. So they are making very few, and they are grinding the markings off by hand, so supply is going to be irregular for a bit until the new dies are up to full production.
I bought a brand new mag case a month or so ago and had it shipped to Scott at Hummel for modification. I bought from Dune Buggy warehouse and they had no issue with me telling them it was for an airplane.

ETA- CB supplies both Great Plains and Sonex with parts, and I doubt seriously they care at all that you are going to use an engine case in an airplane.
I’ll look up the email and date and also to see who responded from CB but it was very direct. It stated “due to law suites in the past, we can no longer offer parts for aircraft use” etc. Maybe caught someone in Cali on the wrong day - have no idea.
I’ll look up the email and date and also to see who responded from CB but it was very direct. It stated “due to law suites in the past, we can no longer offer parts for aircraft use” etc. Maybe caught someone in Cali on the wrong day - have no idea.
If you asked in an email they may not want anything in writing to someone they do not know..maybe? But I called Fomoco and Dune Buggy Warehouse in the last month and told both exactly what I was doing and they were totally OK with it and in fact knew who Scott at Hummel Aircraft Engines was and shipped to him no issue.
I’ll look up the email and date and also to see who responded from CB but it was very direct. It stated “due to law suites in the past, we can no longer offer parts for aircraft use” etc. Maybe caught someone in Cali on the wrong day - have no idea.
Pat Downs was the guy on 11/4/21. "Unfortunately, Since it is an airplane that you need this for I can not help you. We strictly forbid the sale of parts for use in airplanes due to a law suit in the past."