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Plywood Weight Comparison

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 4, 2007
I need a few Sq. Ft. of 1/4" plywood for some nose rib doublers and aileron nose rib doublers on the MiniMAX I've started. The material list calls out Fir or Mahogany plywood but I can't find either locally. I don't want to buy a full 4' X 8' sheet of sanded pine plywood (looks really good) but wonder if the weight of it might be comparable to Fir? I did find a 2' X 2' piece of Birch at a local Menards but since I'm looking for every possible ounce of weight savings on this build I want to make sure I'm not picking or using plywood that's just extra weight even if it's only 1 or 2 ounces. I thought Wicks Aircraft or Aircraft Spruce would list weights of various plywood, but the weight is not always listed. I also searched for a plywood weight chart, but no joy.


Thanks in advance!
