There is one dreamer who worked on the FAA Part 103 helicopter for a long time. And who succeed his dream. I know many of such dreamers at least five of them. Not personally - but thru internet. Miro Crv have that dream since he was a software engineer. And he still is. But his dream finally come true. On February the First the production of the Mirocopter (code name SCH-2A a Small Coaxial Helicopter version 2A) has begun. I am an owner of the Heli #7. And here my experience with it. Composite FX’s XEL Part 103 helicopter uses a conventional configuration with single rotor and tail boom. Anyone with helicopter experience as needed to fly XEL or SCH-2A safely has almost certainly flown tail boom rotary. Coaxial is different; no tail boom is needed. Despite its small size, the SCH-2A is a true helicopter with standard helicopter command inputs. Vertical thrust is achieved by collective blade pitch control of both overhead rotors. Cyclic blade pitch control of both rotors provides directional control, and yaw control is provided by the moving tail plates. Because there is no tail rotor the SCH-2A is said to be able to lift more weight and operate out of a smaller area. The list of potential uses for the ultralight helicopter include cattle mustering and roundups, surveying, police and fire department use, and of course, personal leisure.