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Looking for Ideas for Workshop Cheat Sheets

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
I've started to setup my workshop to start my kit build this year. I'm doing some random things to fine tune my tool collection and things like that. One thing i find myself constantly doing is looking up conversions of all sorts on my phone since i'm footed in both the metric and the imperial world. Stuff like US drill sizes in inches or mm, what M system screw need that drill hole for treading, what screw size needs which drill size, AWG wires in mm2, and so on. I guess i could just print out and hang up what i need, but i wonder if anyone has any good ideas for cheat sheets so i can fast forward this process or useful things i haven't thought about. I got the "standard aircraft handbook for mechanics and technicians" but looking for something that's faster to lookup.