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Looking for Harolds Wickwire's HM290

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2010
Romont / Fribourg / Switzerland
I believe that it was about 10-15 years ago, a Gentlemen named Harold Wickwire, had built his own version of a HM290.

Mr. Wickwire do live or did live then in the New York area, but I'm not sure.

For those of you not familiar with the nomination, it was a flying flea, thus a 2 axis controlled little flyer.

The speciality of Mr. Wickwires plane was, that it was built fairly narrow, because the gentleman had difficulties with his knees to sit in a fuselage, so he decides to built it to sit on top.

He sent me back then, a neat picture and a sketch of his fuselage of the plane, which I can't find in my documentation anymore, so I must have it lent somewhere and it never found it's way back to me.

Does someone here have access to the picture and the sketch of the fuselage and could scan it for me, it would be a big help?

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