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It's Official from Garmin.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2008
Twin Falls, Idaho
Garmin will longer be sourcing new replacement parts for the 400 and 500 series, such as the 430 and 530, including the Wass units. They will continue to repair the current fleet of GPS units, as long as the parts inventory holds out. Here is the catch, if you send your unit in for repair and they can't/won't repair it, they will send it back to you unrepaired, along with a charge of $500. so just make sure it can be repaired before sending it to them. With this announcement, I am sure the asking and selling price for used units will continue to decrease. If you insist on keeping one of these in your panel, you may want to keep an eye open for a replacement unit to pick up as a slide in replacement.