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Is multirotor more energy efficient than single rotor EVTOL?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2009
Barcelona, Spain.

Volocopter will be offering Air taxis for the Paris Olympics. In another thread Addaon, mentioned that no matter if multirotor or single rotor, because at the end what matters is the total rotor area. If so, I do not understand why no one is trying to electrify helis, instead of going multirotor?

Multirotors are good for redundancy, but helis can be twin engine and can autorotate. One difference in favour of multirotors, is that those can incoporate a ballistic parachute, which is more problematic to integrate in a heli.

At first I would consider more optimal, if the configuration was that of fixed wing multirotor VTOL; like the Wisk Kora. That way you can enjoy the best of both worlds, for achieving maximum range, but the Volocopter has no wings; it is a multirotor helicopter.

Any thoughts?

