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Introduction - Iowa (The Hawkeye State)

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Aug 19, 2016
Pella, Iowa/USA
I guess I'll start here. I'm new to this forum. I am interested in building an aircraft someday. I have a long term goal of building a dragonfly MKII. I came across some cheap plans on ebay the other day and decided to purchase them as a little birthday gift to myself. I also have a 65' corvair engine sitting in my garage I'd like to put into it some day. I really like learning, tinkering and constructing things so I'm not afraid about building.

I'm pretty set on this aircraft. I had been looking for an economical cross country airplane that can cruise 130+ mph on 100 hp or less. I did some initial research and came across the dragonfly and Q200, but then wrote them off as being too hard and taking too long to construct. A few months went by of searching for more expensive and more complete aircraft kits and I decided that EAA is all about exploring the unknown. Bought these plans to satisfy my curiosity. I'm on no timeline as far as construction time. Life keeps me plenty busy as it is.

I don't have any experience with composites, for now I plan to read through the plans a few times, note the mandatory changes and hopefully next summer take a composites workshop at Oshkosh. If anyone has any information about other builders who have built a dragonfly that would be greatly appreciated. I would like to pick your brain and gain more understanding for what I'm eventually getting myself into.
