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Introducing Griffin, a quad-lip-wing VTOL aircraft concept

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2014

Showcasing our quad-lip-wing VTOL aircraft


Lip Wing Advantages to VTOL Design​

• Efficient Lift Creation in Hover: Unlike traditional wings, which add dead weight and create unwanted perturbations during hover, the Lip Wing actually generate lift in hover effectively by harnessing rotor intake airflow. This innovation reduces energy consumption during vertical operations, enhancing efficiency and extending flight time.

• Tailored Rotor Design for Cruise: With the Lip Wing providing lift during hover, rotor design can prioritize efficiency in high-speed cruise. This optimization enhances overall aircraft cruise performance and range, as the rotors are no longer constrained to provide full lift during hover operations.

• Optimized Wings for High-Speed Cruise: Freed from the need to provide full lift at slow speeds, the Lip Wing allows for the optimization of wing designs for efficient high-speed cruise. This flexibility improves the efficiency of wing-borne flight phases and eliminates the risk of stall, ensuring safe and stable operation.