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I just saw that Sonerai.net moved!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2006
Waupaca, WI / USA
I have not been on for a while. Both of my Sonerai's are in flying condition but are in Wisconsin and I moved to the Atlanta area. I am hoping to get the planes moved soon!

I guess that the traffic on the original site must have been too low? What caused the site to move here?


Sonerai I Skye Racer
Sonerai IIL (Fred's SII)
Hi Jeff I just tuned in to find that Both Sonerai.net and You have moved. Glad I did head up to OSH to look for you. LOL. How is Atlanta?
Christine and I are in Tucson, AZ now. N127PZ is in Albuquerque (Moriarty) as of 2018. I gifted her to builder there. One day I will get over to see if he
finished her.
I have not been on for a while. Both of my Sonerai's are in flying condition but are in Wisconsin and I moved to the Atlanta area. I am hoping to get the planes moved soon!

I guess that the traffic on the original site must have been too low? What caused the site to move here?


Sonerai I Skye Racer
Sonerai IIL (Fred's SII)
Glad you showed up. Was thinking about you a few days ago and up you appear .
Being a VW engine lover, I always followed what you were doing.