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Help me make a list of airplanes I’d like

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Tiger Tim

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2013
Thunder Bay
I know, I know, weird thread. The long and short of it is I’d like to build a mostly wooden airplane for my next project. I have a decent idea of what I’m looking for, ‘The Mission’ being to carry my 6’5” self pleasantly around in a classic (or classic-looking) open cockpit airplane, and for it to be approachable enough to let other pilots of various experience levels enjoy it too. One or two seats are fine. Because of my height I’ll assume right from the start that a pilot’s seat right under a wing centre section is a no-go (FREDs and Smith Termites are out). I don’t fit at all in a Bebe Jodel so I assume a Turbulent, Starlet, or Chilton (dang it) are all a no-go. I don’t want to have to search to the ends of the earth to find exotic parts or manuals for said parts, for example a Mikron melts my heart but an A65 (or whatever common-ish flat engine suits) is just easier to live with. Old Ford conversions and VWs are okay.

To that end, my list has made it this far:
-Pietenpol Sky Scout
-Fly Baby (maybe a biplane?)
-Currie Wot

Given that as a starting point to what I like, what else should be on the list?
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