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Greetings from an aspiring designer!

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Hello everyone! :)

I have scored thousands of hours in WWII aviation combat games over a past few years and I got hooked forever... Since then I've been learning, building and flying model airplanes (crashed a lot of them) and now comes the moment of truth: can I build a real airplane? I'm on my final year in high school and there are only 66 days left to freedom. And when it comes, I wanna be ready. I want to grab my plans, buy some Aircraft Spruce and head down to the garage to begin my epic quest. In reality though, designing and building your own plane is VERY difficult. I went through lots of engineering books, some really great, some a bit worse and managed to get a good idea about aerodynamics and conceptual design. This is the easy part.

I came up with an idea for a plane so simple to build that even a child (like me?:)) could do that. It's slow, has no engine, ridiculously low wing-loading, open-cocpit and is quite blocky to be honest. This is called a microlift glider. I did all the preliminary calculations, sketches and a fancy 3D model! Conceptual design is done according to my dev plan. Great, isn't it? I attach my design spreadsheet and the 3D render.

Well, to be honest, I'm stuck now. Almost completely. I have to do some more detailed design. I'm not so worried about the primary structure, but all the little details, bolts, washers, fittings, etc. And the control system.... omg. I don't even know where to start (wait, I know, I'm gonna have electric flaps!) But seriously, I've been searching through the entire Internet and I could only find references for the easily done conceptual design. I don't have much support here, in Poland, where I live, so I thought maybe you guys could help me out?

Any suggestions?
Thanks for all your advice,


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