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FRED not Fred

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Feb 13, 2010
World traveler
Hi, all, I am longtime homebuilt airplane enthusiast and have run https://cluttonfred.info on behalf of the recently departed Eric Clutton for more than ten years. I also set up https://wolfboredomfighter.tumblr.com not long ago at the request of some BF fans. While my aviation tends tend toward the low and slow (Clutton FRED, Evans Volksplane, etc.), I have long been a fan of the Sonerais and would like to learn more. Cheers, Matthew
Hi, all, I am longtime homebuilt airplane enthusiast and have run Clutton FRED on behalf of the recently departed Eric Clutton for more than ten years. I also set up Wolf W-11 Boredom Fighter not long ago at the request of some BF fans. While my aviation tends tend toward the low and slow (Clutton FRED, Evans Volksplane, etc.), I have long been a fan of the Sonerais and would like to learn more. Cheers, Matthew
Is there anyone in eaa chapter 14 at Brown Field, San Diego, Ca that is or has built a FRED. I’m at the sourcing Spruce or Northern White Pine wood stage. Steve K.