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Fisher 404 biplane?

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David L. Downey

Curmudgeon under refinement
Supporting Member
Aug 7, 2019
Harleysville, PA
Yes Dana, I have your prior comments to some similar questions but I have actually put hands on a 404 in an estate. And, measuring from the seat back to the rudder pedals it looks like I will fit with ease? (and, the late pilot was over 6' with a very badly hunched back so I can only assume his legs were similar to mine?) I have not been able to try it on yet due to its location and custody.
Does anyone happen to have the build instructions that I could get a copy of? There are some potential issues with the lower airframe due to storage that I would not feel comfortable just tearing out and replacing with "like". I looks like the company now running Fisher kits and support has decided that legacy built aircraft are orphans...purchase of plans is not in the thousands so that they assume only new builds are happening.