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Diehl XTC

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New Member
Sep 12, 2015
Greetings Everyone,

So I just came across this beautiful airplane.

I am trying to figure out any and all lessons that were learned from the design of the XTC, and I thought that this illustrious group might be just the one to ask. Was it well-liked by pilots? Were there any glaring flaws? I wonder how easy it would have been to catch an edge flip it while landing on water? Are there any obvious improvements that could be made? Also the wings are much closer to the water than on most seaplanes. I wonder how bad a strike would be at the very slow landing speed this thing has, given its huge wing?

I read that some pilots said it was unstable in pitch; however, it seems like later versions fixed that. I am not really sure though. I also read that the original 25 hp engine was not enough.

Here is a pristine one for sale. The listing has the best pictures I've found:
Diehl XTC Amphibian Microlight | Trade Me

