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DePischoff Avoinette design and build

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2014
As I mentioned in another thread in the "Classics" section, I am quite obsessed with this aircraft. I have been meaning to build a Dormoy/Kimbrel Bathtub for years and have the plans, but building a 28' wing in the space I have is not feasible. However, the Avionette pushes all my buttons and is buildable in the space that I have. This will be quite an adventure because there are no plans and precious little information out there about this unique bird. My intention is to update the design a bit to reflect today's pilot size, as has been suggested on the other section.

I have been interested in aviation all my life, but have never built or designed before. I am very handy with most tools, can weld and I repair and restore furniture for income. I believe that most things can be learned that I do not know already, with the help of studying, doing, and advice from sites like this.

I am wondering if building a 1/3 scale model first to flesh out the control details and wing attachments, etc would be a good idea or should I jump in with a rough design and modify/adjust as I build? I am under no illusions as to the difficulty of the build or the time or money it will take. I just wish I had more than a few pictures to go on. If anyone has any input (including I am batsh!t crazy to even think about doing this) I would be grateful to hear from you.

My main questions at this point are the wing attachment points on the bottom wing (the original had detachable wings) and the controls set up underneath the sheet metal that can't be seen in the photos.

In my dreams, I see this flying behind a Verner 3 cyl motor.

Thanks, in advance, for any input and advice you can share.