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Counterfeit Parts Warning

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jun 26, 2012
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
A customer in NZ had a scare when an injector stuck open right after takeoff and shut down that cylinder. Fortunately he was on a long runway and was able to set it down and get stopped before the end.

After sharing a photo of the injector, which he didn't source from us, it became evident that this was a Chinese counterfeit copy of a Weber injector.

This is rampant in automotive components and we've seen multiple failures at low time on injectors, coils, ignition modules and fuel pumps which often even have the trademarked logos stamped/ molded into them. These companies don't care about IP or quality and will do anything to make a buck.

Only buy from trusted sources (usually not Ebay/ Amazon). You are not saving money here as you'll have to buy again to replace this junk.

This stuff can kill you in an airplane.

injector pic.jpg
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