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Contender for an auto conversion - Daewoo Matiz / Chevrolet Spark

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2011
Australia & New Zealand
Three cylinder inline 6-valve SOHC
Displacement 796 cc
Multipoint fuel injection
51 hp @ 5900 rpm
67 nm @ 4600 rpm
8.4 litres/100 km consumption
Front wheel drive so it has a takeoff on both ends

A 1998 model - the earliest year built - will have about 250,000 km on it and the price you would expect to pay is about $800 for the whole car. New rings, bearings and gaskets will be needed naturally. I spotted a 2000 model recently with 220,000 km and a blown head gasket for $350. If you can find a later model that has been rear-ended then even less work would be required, assuming the engine wasn't affected.

Anyone else considering this engine? If it's light enough there should be very little work needed to convert it to aviation use.
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