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Compression testing pultrusion

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Nov 14, 2009
Rocky Mountains
I have some fiberglass pultruded rod I'd like to test for compressive strength. It's going to be between 1/4" (6mm) and 3/8" (9mm) and I'm expecting total loads of between 4000 and 8000 pounds. The manufacturer supplies data for tensile strength and modulus but nothing for compressive. I'm not so much interested in good stress/strain as I am simple compressive strength. My plan it to load the device below into my press with a pressure gauge and dial indicator.
Am I missing anything important with the planned test rig - like a top plate with a ball bearing between the plate and my ram head?
Red = test coupon
yellow = resin to restrain the coupon cast into a couple of slip fit sleeves for the guide cylinder.
compression jig.JPG
The view port is just for entertainment value. The left side is lopped off for a section view.
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