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Carb for inverted flight

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Aug 27, 2014
Louisville, KY
I'm not considering doing serious acro with the Hummelbird I'm building, but I have been concerned about the engine cutting out in zero or negative Gs. This got me thinking about inverted flight, and if any VW engine based planes can sustain it.

What carb could sustain inverted flight? I'm guessing the float type are out, which leaves the Aeroinjector or Revflow slide type carbs. From what I've gathered doing research, the problem with these slide carbs is that they require 0.5psi of fuel pressure, and regulators that can sustain that are hard to find. I did find one sold in Europe that will go down to 0.5psi, coupled with a low pressure pump and a flop tube in the tank, would that be sufficient?

Are there any carbs out there that will fit a VW (or 1/2 VW) that can sustain inverted flight other than the two mentioned? How about any VW based planes that can do negative G acro?

I know it also should have an inverted oil system as well, but no one makes them anymore. So for now, I'm just wondering about the fuel and air part of it. And, again, I'm not asking because I plan on sustaining inverted flight in my Hummelbird, but I need to buy a carb for it anyway, all the carbs available are in the same ballpark in price, and I wouldn't mind some insurance that is essentially free.